Alice J. Kang

I am a Professor of Political Science and Ethnic Studies (African and African-American Studies Program) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I am also affiliated with UNL's Women's and Gender Studies Program.

My research examines women, gender, and politics with a world regional focus on Africa. One book, Bargaining for Women's Rights: Activism in an Aspiring Muslim Democracy (University of Minnesota Press, 2015), highlights the role of women's movements and conservative movements in making women's rights policy in Niger. 

A second book, Reimagining the Judiciary: Women's Representation on High Courts Worldwide (Oxford University Press, 2021), traces the rise of women judges on high courts globally. It is co-authored with Maria Escobar-Lemmon, Valerie Hoekstra, and Miki Kittilson and won the C. Herman Pritchett Book Award. Research for the book was funded in part by the National Science Foundation. 

Contact: akang2 (at) unl (dot) edu